A Dentist In Ocala Can Provide You With Dental Implants

by | Jun 28, 2014 | Dental Services


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If you have suffered premature tooth loss, you may want to consider dental implants to replace your teeth. You may not realize it but you can actually jeopardize your health by not having your teeth replaced. Some of the reasons you need your teeth include:

  • Nutritional
  • bone health
  • speech

When it comes to your health, you need your teeth more than you might realize. For instance, did you know that many of the nutrients your body needs come from the chewing of your food. Each time you chew your food, more of the vitamins and minerals are released into your blood stream. While multi-vitamins can provide you with some of the nutrients you lose out on in your diet, they cannot replace all of the amino acids and nutrients you may lose if you cannot eat the proper foods.

As soon as you lose an adult tooth, the bone in your jaw begins to deteriorate and shrink. You may not notice it at first but over time you will notice that your jawbone looks smaller and shorter than it once did. This is because the bone is being lost. Dental Implants Ocala can reduce the amount of bone loss you experience. However, it is important that you have your dental implant surgery performed before too much of the bone in your jaw has been lost or you may need a bone graft procedure before the Dentist in Allentown can perform the dental implants for you.

The way you speak is directly related to the position of your teeth, your tongue and your lips. Try saying the alphabet. Do you notice how each of the letters in the alphabet require either the teeth or the lips for proper pronunciation? Without your teeth, you will not be able to pronounce the letters right, which means that the words you say will not be pronounced properly either.

If you have experienced premature tooth loss, you should speak to your dentist in Allentown about possible replacement teeth. You need your teeth and your Dentist in Allentown understands how important it is to replace them as soon as possible.

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