Gum Inflammation and Your Dentist Mesa AZ

by | Feb 24, 2014 | Dentists


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Often, dentists see patients complaining of inflammation of the gums. It may be limited to one tooth or distributed to almost all dentition. In this case, pain, bleeding gums and bad breath may be present. This status is noticed at the time when the gums start to bleed during brushing. You should keep in mind that the disease process itself began long before that. Consequently, patients seek care from a Dentist Mesa AZ after the disease is in an advanced state. Visit website for more information!

Causes of gum inflammation

First, you should distinguish between inflammation of the gums around the tooth and multiple foci of inflammation. When the gums are involved, tartar may be the culprit. In the presence of dental plaque, it presses on the gums, causing trauma. In addition, layers of dental plaque bacteria accumulate, and this activity also may adversely affect teeth. Most often, this situation occurs when chewing on one side.

Secondly, inflammation of the gums can be caused when there is an incorrectly installed crown or filling. When this occurs gingival trauma leads to inflammation. Incorrectly cleaning the teeth could be an issue, especially if plaque is not removed properly. This is because its fibers begin to accumulate bacteria that cause inflammation. Also inadequate hygiene can lead to diseases, such as gingivitis or periodontitis.

Symptoms of gum disease

Symptoms appear immediately, as the disease develops gradually. First, redness of the gums, swelling and then bleeding. Then, due to the growth of pathogenic bacteria, halitosis forms. Afterwards, bleeding gums start. In advanced cases, especially in the area of the gums, pus may accumulate. If untreated, it may result in tooth loosening and, possibly, loss. Communicate to the dentist if you see the slightest redness of the gums. This indicates the initial stage of the disease.

Treatment of inflamed gums

The type of treatment depends primarily on the reasons involved. A dentist’s main goal is to find the reason for the inflammation and relieve it. If the cause of gingivitis is an incorrectly installed seal, it should be adjusted or reset. If the inflammation is with a crown, it is necessary for your Dentist Mesa AZ to remove the crown and perform the correction. For more information about gum inflammation, contact Sossaman Dental Health and Implant Center today.

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