Call the Dentist in Redding When Tooth Pain Occurs

by | Aug 18, 2015 | Dentistry


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While mild tooth pain may come and go with seemingly no reason, severe tooth pain often means there is damage to the tooth. When a person is going through severe pain, it is imperative they contact the Dentist in Redding right away. The dentist can examine a patient and take some X-ray films to determine the cause of the pain. Once the cause has been found, the dentist will be able to put a treatment plan into action so the patient can find relief as soon as possible.

If the pain is being caused by a cavity, the dentist can treat the tooth by removing the decayed areas and then filling the opening. Filling choices may include porcelain, resin compound, amalgam or metal alloy. The dentist will carefully fill the tooth so the nerve is sealed, and there is no longer an opening. Most patients find their tooth pain is relieved immediately though the soreness from the cavity can take a few days to be fully relieved.

Tooth pain may also be caused by a tooth infection. Infections can reside deep within the pulp and roots of the teeth. Treating the tooth involves first draining the tooth of any infection and pus, so there is no longer any pressure being placed on the tooth structure. Once the tooth has been drained, the dentist will begin treating the patient with strong antibiotic therapy so the infection is removed. Since the infection can spread to other teeth and the gums, it is crucial it is brought under control promptly.

Pain may also be caused by an injury. Though some injuries are obvious, some people become injured and are not aware of their injuries. Injuries to the tooth can cause the nerve to be exposed, leading to severe pain. Even minor cracks may cause the nerve to become exposed. Through X-rays, the dentist can find any type of damage so it can be repaired.

If you are experiencing severe tooth pain, you need the Dentist in Redding right away. Contact the Moore & Pascarella Dental Group right away so they can schedule you an appointment to find the cause of your pain so you can find relief.

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