Why Get Fluoride Treatment in Fishers IN?

by | Nov 27, 2015 | Dentist


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The presence of fluoride on the teeth reduces the solubility of enamel, making it more resistant to acid attack and thus to the production of dental decay. It also has an effect on forming bacteria by inhibiting its metabolism, adhesion and aggregation. In very small doses, fluoride has the ability to reduce the number of cavities by more than 50% and a higher proportion still limits the severity of decay. For this reason, getting a fluoride treatment in Fishers IN is advised.

Fluoride reacts rapidly with the enamel, forming calcium and fluorine reacts with the hydroxyapatite crystals resulting in increased enamel resistance. Currently, dentists are trying to find effective ways to incorporate this ion to the surface of a tooth through topical applications of fluoride in the dental clinic. This treatment is expected to improve dental hygiene, first for its local effects on the tooth surface and secondarily, for retention and absorption of fluoride after each application.

The protective effect seems to depend both on the application method, mainly the time since the dental eruption, cleaning the teeth before application, and the contribution of fluoride from other sources. The addition of fluoride daily obviously only benefits people who regularly brush their teeth. There is the difference in the appearance of hyper-fluorosis and poor hygiene. In the first, patients present with yellow teeth, the peaks are lower and flattened and have wide and visible grooves.

Mottled enamel is an anomaly that occurs by excessive consumption of fluoride. This is an unpleasant and unsightly brown stain on teeth. It only appears when the denture is permanently exposed during development and calcification to excess fluoride. The permanent teeth are affected more frequently and intensely than baby teeth. Usually, mottled enamel is caused by excessive consumption of water rich in fluorine. But getting a routine Fluoride Treatment in Fishers IN is necessary for great oral health.

Fluoride does have an effect on periodontal tissues too, but in a positive way. Increased consumption of fluoride does not affect the periodontium and may even be beneficial. In fact, continuous water consumption during childhood does not cause or maintain the inflammation of the gums. There are even studies that have shown that adolescents living in “hyper-fluorosis” zones are in better shape than those living in poor fluoride areas. Contact us to learn more.

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