What You May Want to Know About Dentures in Turlock, CA

by | Apr 9, 2014 | Dental Services


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Teeth are meant to last a long time, and in general, if you take good care of them, they do last a lifetime. However, life doesn’t always deal a fair hand. Some people have genetics that determine they will lose their teeth; some people get into bad car accidents and lose their teeth. There are many situations that could land you in the middle of losing your teeth. When you lose your teeth, you want to replace them as quickly as possible, of course. There is a dentist in the Central Valley area of California who applies Dentures in Turlock. The dental office wants to tell you all the information you may need to know about dentures.

As an official rule, dentures are removable artificial teeth that are meant to replace missing teeth. In practical application, however, usually the dentures are for either partials (when multiple teeth are missing) or a full set, when all the teeth are missing. Dentures also improves your health, because you are able to chew and digest your food better than without teeth. They also are aesthetically pleasing, adding the smile back to your face.

There are three basic types of dentures, the conventional dentures, the immediate dentures and the over dentures. The conventional dentures are the full set that are placed in your mouth after months of your mouth healing. The immediate dentures, as the name implies, are put into your mouth on the same day your natural teeth come out. Over dentures are a type of fitting that goes over some of your teeth that can be saved, to aid in the preservation of your jawbone.

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