Family Dental Care Edmonton that is comprehensive for the entire family means you can get all your dental needs met in one place. You won’t have to be referred elsewhere for extractions, root canals, or dentures. Veneers, crowns, whitening, and cosmetic dentistry are offered with several options in each category. Basic dental care includes examinations, routine cleanings, and X rays for everyone in your family. You will experience consistency of care from dentists who have known you a long time. The comfort level increases and anxiety becomes minimal.
Braces can be traditional ones or invisalign clear molded trays that straighten your teeth. Braces refer to the brackets that are attached directly to your teeth. Teeth are straightened with wires and elastics that gently re-position teeth and correct over bites, under bites, and cross bites. Clear molded trays are worn for two the three weeks at a time, before you switch to a new tray. They are less noticeable and take between 18-30 months to straighten your teeth. A retainer is worn after either technique is completed to maintain the new positions of your teeth and jaw.
Family dental care Edmonton can also be done to treat periodontal disease. One method is root planning, which consists of treatments that remove tartar and bacteria from the root below the gum line. This allows the immune system to begin the healing process. Other treatments for gum disease include deep cleaning of teeth, rinses, and removal of some of the gum in extreme cases. Other services offered include dentures, bonding, sealants, and bridges.
New patient forms are available online for your convenience. You can fill them out at home and save yourself time on the day of your first appointment. You can also schedule an appointment online. The website also includes a dental education library. Videos and articles provide information regarding some dental issues and treatment options available. You can also find information on proper flossing and brushing techniques to keep your teeth strong, white, and healthy. If you have any questions regarding symptoms or concerns, check out the library to see if there is information that may help you communicate with your dentist.