The Benefits Associated With Asking Your Oral Surgeon in Short Hills NJ About Dental Implants

by | May 5, 2015 | Dental Care


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Having missing teeth can bring with it a host of other issues. Not only can it cause serious oral health problems, but it can also lead to self-esteem issues. Fortunately, advancements in dentistry have given patients a number of options for tooth replacement. As you consider those options for yourself, you may want to spend some time thinking about the particular benefits that dental implants can provide. If you’ve been thinking about taking advantage of a different tooth replacement options like dentures or a dental bridge, keep reading to find out why dental implants may end up being the better choice for some patients.

1. When you lose a tooth, the part of the jawbone that was attached to that tooth is no longer receiving daily stimulation from chewing. When your jawbone isn’t being used in this way, it begins to weaken and deteriorate. Because dental implants are fused to the bone, having a dental implant placed by an Oral Surgeon in Short Hills NJ allows you to preserve your jawbone instead of having it deteriorate and cause further issues.

2. Since you have already lost one tooth, it’s vital that you are able to hold on to the other healthy teeth in your mouth. Unfortunately, placing a bridge requires the grinding down of the adjacent teeth, and getting dentures means that you’ll have to remove some (or all) of your teeth. Fortunately, dental implants require neither of these scenarios.

3. With a commitment to proper care as outlined by your Oral Surgeon in Short Hills NJ, you can rest assured knowing that your dental implant was designed to last a lifetime. Although dental implants may require a bigger monetary investment than some other tooth replacement solutions, the investment is actually well worth it when you consider the durability of the implant. While you may need to replace a bridge a few times over your lifetime, that usually isn’t the case for a quality dental implant.

If you have recently lost one or more teeth, it’s important for you to know that there is hope for your smile. Dental implants are a cost-effective and permanent solution to your problem and can help you regain the natural beauty of your smile. Visit website to learn more about what you can expect from a dental implant procedure and how implants can help you improve your oral health and mitigate the negative effects of tooth loss.

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