Common Questions About Maxillofacial Surgery In Vancouver And Wisdom Tooth Removal

by | Sep 30, 2015 | Dentist


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Individuals who have wisdom tooth pain may need to visit a dentist who specializes in maxillofacial surgery in Vancouver. If the wisdom tooth has erupted through the gums, a dentist can usually extract the tooth. If the wisdom tooth hasn’t erupted through the gums or if it’s positioned sideways, the dentist will have to perform oral surgery to remove the tooth. To learn more about the removal of wisdom teeth, read the frequently asked questions below.

Q.) Why is it important to have wisdom teeth removed?

A.) Most patients will have a wisdom tooth removed if it becomes painful. Besides causing pain, there are other important reasons why these teeth should be removed. Wisdom teeth often grow horizontally in the mouth and when this occurs they push against the adjacent teeth. This can cause the other teeth to become crowded and grow crooked. When the wisdom teeth are removed, this allows the rest of the teeth to remain in the correct position.

Q.) Is there any pain associated with having a wisdom tooth surgically removed?

A.) Patients will not feel any pain during the wisdom tooth surgery. After the surgery is finished and the numbness wears off, patients will have soreness where the dentist made the incision to extract the tooth. The pain may last for a few days until the incision begins to heal.

Q.) Are there any special instructions a patient should follow right after wisdom tooth removal Vancouver?

A.) After wisdom tooth extraction, patients should refrain from chewing on the side of the mouth where the tooth was extracted. Patients should also avoid drinking hot liquids for a couple of days after the surgery. If the patient has excessive bleeding or swelling, the dentist should be notified as soon as possible. After the surgery is complete, the dentist who performs Maxillofacial Surgery in Vancouver will give the patient a specific list of instructions along with emergency contact phone numbers.

Moore Dentistry Inc. provides comprehensive dental services including routine dental procedures, cosmetic dentistry and oral and maxillofacial surgery. Contact us to schedule an appointment or to inquire about any of the available dental procedures.

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