The Dentists in Queens NY Can Treat All Types of Gum Disease

by | Oct 6, 2015 | Dentist


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Outside of cavities, gum disease is one of the biggest threats to a person’s oral health. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of the subtle signs that gum disease can first begin producing, so they do not seek treatment until the condition becomes severe. With prompt treatment, gum disease can be treated and even reversed. Once the gum disease has progressed and become Periodontal Disease, the Dentists In Queens NY will have a more difficult time treating the condition and preventing massive tooth loss.

The signs of gingivitis, the first type of gum disease, are redness, swelling and irritation in the gum tissue. Regrettably, these signs start off so insignificantly that most people ignore them and do not seek treatment. Since gum disease begins by plaque and tartar being pushed under the gum tissue, the condition can often be fully treated by a thorough cleaning and improved oral hygiene practices. Should the initial signs of gum disease be ignored, the symptoms will continue to worsen and periodontal disease will set in.

Periodontal disease is a complex disease that causes some of the same symptoms as gingivitis, with added complications. A person will experience inflamed gum tissue that is sore and irritated. As the condition progresses, pockets will develop around the teeth and become filled with infection and pus drainage. These pockets expose the roots of the teeth and cause loosening. The Dentists in Queens NY will need to take an aggressive approach to treatment or massive tooth loss could be experienced.

The dentist will use antibiotics and laser surgical procedures to bring the infection under control and tighten the pockets that have formed around the teeth. With thorough treatment, the patient’s teeth may be able to be saved.

If you are experiencing the signs of gingivitis or periodontal disease, promptly call the Dentists in Queens NY. You can also browse the website of Northern Plaza Dental Care In Queens NY to learn more about the comprehensive dental services they offer their patients. With prompt dental care, the health of your smile can be protected, so it stays beautiful. Call the office to get started.

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