Things a Dentist in Mankato MN Wishes Patients Would Do

by | Nov 20, 2015 | Dentistry


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A Dentist in Mankato MN wishes that patients would avoid drinking sugary and acidic beverages, or at least would avoid sipping on them all day long. That includes not only soda but beverages such as sports drinks and even orange juice. If a person wants to down one of these selections, it’s best to drink it all in a relatively short time than to drag it out all day. Sipping all day keeps teeth immersed in sugar, fructose or high-fructose corn syrup. That is a risk factor for tooth decay.

Another wish of a Dentist in Mankato MN is for patients to limit their intake of sugary foods that also are hard on teeth. A sweet snack now and then is OK, but munching on candy and cookies throughout the day isn’t good for teeth. It’s probably not good for the waistline, either, although that isn’t a dentist’s main concern.

A Dentist in Mankato MN would like to see his patients stop using their teeth as tools for actions such as biting off a price tag from an item. Someone may do this a hundred times without problems, and then one day, the plastic piece slips and the teeth bang together, maybe chipping or cracking one of them.

What else does a Dentist in Mankato MN put on the wish list for patients? Better brushing and flossing habits is the main concern. Dental professionals see too many patients who could prevent cavities and gum disease if only they would pay more attention to oral hygiene. This can be frustrating to these practitioners. They understand that two minutes of brushing after getting up and again before going to bed is important for teeth, and that Flossing helps prevent gum disease.

These actions remove food particles and plaque, which hardens into tartar if not brushed away. Tartar is irritating to the gums and can lead to gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease. It can only be removed with special tools and techniques done by a dental hygienist or dentist. People who try to remove tartar themselves are likely to damage their teeth. It’s essential to have this treatment done at a practice such as Business Name.

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