How A Cosmetic Dentist Can Improve A Patient’s Smile

by | Dec 4, 2015 | Dentist


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A person’s smile is one of the first things that people notice about them. If their smile is not perfect, it can have a negative effect on their appearance and self-esteem. If a person is unhappy with the appearance of their smile, they can seek the help of a Cosmetic Dentist. There are several ways that these dentists can improve a person’s smile.

Teeth Whitening

A white smile is a healthy smile. Over time, a person’s teeth can begin to yellow. If they smoke cigarettes or drink red wine or coffee, the stains can be even worse. If this is a problem, the dentist can do a tooth whitening procedure. There are two treatments. One whitens the teeth over a period of two weeks, and the other can be done in a day using a UV light.


Veneers are a treatment used for patients with cracked, stained, or misshapen teeth. During this procedure, the dentist will shave a thin layer off the top of the teeth. An adhesive is used to apply the porcelain veneers over the teeth. The veneers look just like the patient’s real teeth, just more perfect.

Dental Bridge

Tooth loss can have a negative effect on a person’s smile. A person can lose a tooth as a result of an accident or extensive tooth decay. When this happens, the Cosmetic Dentist would make a mold of the patient’s mouth, and create a dental bridge. The bridge would contain a false tooth to fill the gap, and it is anchored in the mouth using an existing tooth.

Dental Implant

Dental implants are another treatment for tooth loss and are a more permanent solution. The dentist would drill the implant into the patient’s jaw bone, and attach a false tooth. Unlike dental bridges, which need to be removed to clean, dental implants stay in permanently.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is an excellent treatment for someone who has chipped a tooth. The dentist would apply clay-like substance, shape it so that it looks like the natural tooth. A UV light is then used to harden the clay. When the procedure is over, it will look as though nothing ever happened to the tooth.

When a person is not happy with the appearance of their smile, the professionals at Business Name can help. There are many cosmetic procedures to make an imperfect smile, perfect.

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