A Few Facts About Dentures

by | Dec 28, 2016 | Dentistry


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Dentures are a dental appliance. Dentures are used to replace missing teeth and help you to maintain a good smile. There are many reasons why an individual can lose their teeth, often it is the result of a serious gum disease, at other times it can be the result of decay or even injury. Dentures in Bloomingdale make it possible for people to eat and speak properly, things that are not possible without teeth.

The integrity of your jaw bone and facial muscles depend a great deal on your teeth, as the face sags and draws in the result is an appearance of rapid aging. Dentures can help maintain a normal appearance, modern dentures are so well made that it is hard to tell that a person wears them; in many cases the resulting look is superior to that prior to wearing dentures.

Types of dentures:

There are three types of dentures; conventional, immediate and over-denture.

Conventional: A conventional denture is removable, it is made after all the teeth in the upper or lower dental arch have been removed and the gum tissue has healed. The entire process can take a number of months. As the gums continue to change, these types of dentures require periodic relining.

Immediate: This denture is prepared in advance of having the teeth removed; it is placed in the mouth on the same day. The denture is made from specific information gathered by your dentist that he or she converts into a model of the jaw.

Over-denture: If there are a few remaining teeth they can be used to help preserve the integrity of the jawbone. The denture fits over those teeth that remain; implants can also be used to perform the same function.

Dentures in Bloomingdale do not eliminate the need for excellent oral hygiene. The gums, the roof of the mouth and the tongue should be brushed daily with a soft tooth brush.

Dentures in Bloomingdale are one of the many dental services offered by the professionals at Pure Dental Spa. You are invited to call for an appointment. Visit them online at

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