A beautiful smile is something that is sought after by many people. In the past, a gorgeous natural looking smile meant that people had to take care of their natural teeth. Today, there are cosmetic advancements which have made it possible for people who may have made bad decisions regarding their oral health to have a beautiful smile too. A Cosmetic Dentist in Hoover must perform an oral exam to determine which procedures you are a good match for. Sometimes extractions may be required, but the goal of dentists is to keep teeth with healthy roots intact.
Veneers are one type of cosmetic enhancement. These can be placed over natural teeth by dentists. In the past, people may have referred to veneers as caps. Today, veneers are designed to closely match patients’ natural teeth. They can be used to correct several imperfections. They are a quick fix for misshapen or cracked teeth. They are also effective when decay is present that has not affected the roots of teeth.
Crowns are often used when decay is around teeth. Patients can choose from metal or Cerec crowns. Sometimes Cerec crowns are not ideal because of advanced decay. Cerec looks very close to the color of teeth, but metal is more stable. Also, keep in mind that Cerec is not ideal for teeth located at the back of the mouth since these are the teeth used to crush and grind foods.
Gum augmentations are used when people have issues such as receding gum lines. A gummy smile can be embarrassing for some people. A Cosmetic Dentist in Hoover can contour gum lines and give you that beautiful smile you have been wanting for years.
Dental implants are probably the most discussed cosmetic dentistry procedure available. They are used to replace missing teeth. They can be used immediately following extractions. They are also sought after by people who have had missing teeth for years.
Contact Dr. Anglin & Dr. Nelson if you have some things about your smile that you would like to fix. Even if you have an issue as simple as teeth whitening, they can help.