A dental implant is a titanium bolt that replaces the root of a natural tooth that was extracted for any reason. The implant is placed in the upper or lower jawbone and, over time, will integrate itself. It can withstand forces as if it were a natural tooth. Dental implants are extremely versatile and can replace one or more missing teeth. To learn more contact your Family Dentist in Melbourne or continue reading.
What is the success rate of an implant?
Statistics confirm a success rate of about 95% after 20 years, always pointing out that the dental implants need care just like natural teeth. If certain precautions are not taken, the success rate may be lower.
Can anyone get an implant?
There are some contraindications for placement of dental implants, such as heart disease, uncontrolled diabetes, recent radiotherapy, etc. If no complicated clinical picture is present and you have significant bone suitable for placement, the surgery will not pose a problem.
How much does a dental implant cost?
The price of an implant is highly variable, depending on whether or not dentists need to “create” bone (the amount of bone may not be enough). They may need to “increase” the amount of gum and also the number of teeth to be placed.
Even if you have enough bone, is it possible implants are not right for you?
Nowadays the amount of bone is not always an impediment to treatment. It is in most cases possible to regenerate bone through minimally invasive and less painful techniques, like using artificial materials (artificial bone and membrane) or a person’s own bone.
Does it hurt?
The placement of an implant is done under local anesthesia, which means that it does not hurt. After anesthesia the patient may feel a slight pain that is perfectly controllable with analgesics and anti-inflammatory.
What care is needed?
Dental implants, although they are made of titanium and ceramic, must have perfect hygiene. Cautions are very similar to natural teeth: brushing, flossing and rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash.
How long is the treatment?
The duration of treatment varies greatly with each case in particular, but in general terms a Family Dentist in Melbourne states that the procedure can take an hour or more. However, you must figure in the time for osseointegration which in three months or more. For more information Contact Exceptional Dentistry of Melbourne.