Differences Between Dentures and Dental Implants in Stuart

by | Aug 8, 2014 | Dentistry


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Whether you live in Tomball TX or somewhere else, you may need to consider dentures or dental implants if you have missing teeth. Many times, people lose teeth towards the back of their mouth and ignore the situation, thinking it doesn’t hurt their smile so it doesn’t hurt them. However, it could cause problems with the jaw and other situations, so it is best to have the problem corrected by using some type of false tooth.


Most people in Tomball TX think their only option is to have dentures or partial dentures for their missing teeth. While this has been the only option for many years, there are newer versions that are permanent and easier to handle.

If you are only missing one or two teeth, a partial denture may be used. It is made to fit your mouth and be taken in and out by using wires that fit easily around other teeth. However, this process can cause damage to the surrounding teeth as you are constantly moving the partial.

Dentures are made to look like real teeth, but they can still look fake. You don’t brush or floss them and they do require different ways of cleaning, such as a non-abrasive brush and cleaning solutions. They must be kept moist when out of your mouth and can be cumbersome and embarrassing to use, especially if you must remove them after a meal to clean them.

Many people take years to perfect their use of dentures while eating, talking and drinking and some never feel completely comfortable and prefer to stop eating their favorite foods, such as corn on the cob, so they don’t have to worry about problems during or afterwards.

Dental Implants

Dentures Stuart are considered permanent because the actual implanted part of the tooth is a titanium and metal screw that is permanently placed inside your gums, like regular tooth roots. The faux tooth is then screwed into place and stays in forever, unless the dentist must remove it for something specific. You brush and floss these teeth just like natural teeth and they can look more natural in your mouth, as well.

There is never any worry that the tooth will fall out when drinking or talking, so you can do normal things, as usual and you won’t get sores like you could with dentures, as the implants will not rub the gums.

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