Four Signs You Need Emergency Dental Care

by | Apr 24, 2020 | Dentist


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There are many instances where an individual may need to see a dentist, but it may be hard to know what qualifies as an emergency. Many people do not know and will blow off their need to go to a dentist under the fear that it is not a big enough deal to name it an emergency. There are four signs that an individual needs the assistance of an emergency dentist in Bradenton FL.

  • Exposed Nerves. When a tooth is broken or lost, the nerves within it can be exposed to various temperatures and oxygen, which can cause irreparable damage to the root structure. It is important to see a dentist as soon as possible when a tooth breaks to prevent the nerve from being damaged. When he or she visits their dentist for a broken or lost tooth, the dentist can help to preserve his or her own teeth. In the meantime, it would be a good idea to put a missing tooth back into its socket or put it into a glass of milk to protect the tissues.

  • Abscessed Tooth Pain. An abscessed tooth can cause very severe pain but it is not the pain that is of utmost concern. The infection in the tooth, if it opens, can release dangerous bacteria into the bloodstream or saliva. This can cause an ear, respiratory, or sinus infection, so it is imperative that the person tries not to treat it on his or her own. A dentist will be able to act quickly and drain the abscessed in order to reduce the chances of a much more serious infection.

  • Emergency Jaw Pain. A lower jaw pain can point to grinding teeth or TMJ, which could indicate the need for a mouth guard to see if it alleviates the pain. However, if this pain begins to cause headaches or the individual still experiences jaw pain, it is enough cause for an emergency dental care visit. Grinding teeth can lead to cracked or grinding on the teeth and infection and without the proper care of a dentist, it can damage anyone’s oral health.

  • Bleeding & Swollen Gums. Gingivitis can cause gums to swell and bleed due to irritation, which can cause many other types of oral diseases. The individual’s gums can become swollen or discharge a bitter tasting liquid and cause tooth decay if it is not treated properly. It is important to see a dentist in order to stop the infection before it becomes irreparable.

There are many reasons to see a dentist but it can be hard to know which reason may be an emergency. If someone has exposed nerves due to broken or lost teeth, abscessed tooth pain, jaw pain and headaches, or gingivitis, it is considered an emergency and should be treated as soon as possible by his or her dentist. A dentist will know the signs for an emergency visit and will work as quickly and effectively as possible to fix the problem before it becomes too severe.

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