Getting A Better Understanding Of Orthodontic Procedures in Vancouver WA

by | Sep 13, 2019 | Dental Care


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A general dentist will usually refer their patient to an orthodontist if any Orthodontic Procedures in Vancouver WA are required. While all orthodontists are dentists, not all dentists are licensed orthodontists. It’s a specialty that some dentists choose to dedicate their skills to.

What Do Orthodontists Do?

An orthodontist works with crooked or misaligned teeth. They can handle overbites, underbites, and when teeth are overcrowded. An orthodontist is a specialist that can help a patient get braces. If a person has too much space between their teeth, they should visit an orthodontist for help. Orthodontists can work with patients of all ages, so children and the elderly can get help from these specialists. Anyone who needs Emergency Dental Care should call a dentist immediately.

Getting Braces

A person might need Orthodontic Procedures in Vancouver WA to help with their crooked teeth. Any patient who is told that they need braces shouldn’t be afraid. It’s not uncommon for children to be nervous if they are told braces must be worn. If a person wants to hide the fact that they are wearing braces, they can opt for translucent braces. Braces that are hard to detect are great for children who think that they might get teased for wearing braces.

How Long Will Braces Need To Be Worn?

When it comes to the length of time a patient needs to wear braces for, each case is different. For some people, it’s just a matter of months before their problem is corrected. Others have to wear their braces for much longer. An orthodontist will examine their patient frequently to make any adjustments. Adjusting the braces helps with a person’s comfort level and allows the braces to function better. Anyone worried about the costs of braces should talk price over with their orthodontist.

Everyone should visit a dentist at least once a year to get their teeth cleaned and examined. During an examination, a dentist might notice a problem that needs the attention of an orthodontist. They will then refer their patient to the specialists to get a more thorough examination and to find a solution to the problem.

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