How to Alleviate Your Child’s Fear of the Dentist

by | Aug 17, 2017 | Dentists


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Generally speaking, no one likes going to the dentist, but least among that number is children. There really is no way to explain a dentist to a child without giving them nightmares for the next week: a total stranger who will lay them on a chair, bend way too close down to them, and then stick very sharp looking objects into their mouths. Your child is going to be scared, no two ways about it, but there are ways to help them overcome that fear. If you are looking for a Lakeview Dentist, but are worried about your child’s fears, here are some tricks that’ll make the experience better for everyone.

Choose your words carefully

Despite their constant assertions to the contrary, your child does not need to know every solitary detail of what their visit will entail. Especially if those details will only make them more nervous and afraid. Answer your child’s questions, by all means, but try not to go into too much detail. Before answering, ask yourself: will my information help my child’s experience, or hurt it?

Leave out words like “needle”, “hurt”, and “pain” and others that risk your child getting worked up. Focus on the positives, such as how quickly it’ll be over, or how they’ll get a lollipop after they’re done. Little changes to how you describe the dentist can make a huge difference.

Start as young as possible

Even if your child isn’t afraid of the dentist, you should still start taking them at a very early age. You should typically take your child to the dentist about 10 times before they enter Kindergarten. Starting young, and keeping the same dentist for as long as possible, will develop a sense of familiarity for your child, which will make them significantly less afraid of each subsequent visit.

Hold a pretend visit

No this does not mean you have to perfectly simulate the experience of going to the dentist, so put the power drill down. Instead, use a toothbrush to count your child’s teeth, starting with the number 1, or letter A. Get them familiar with the routine, so that they know what to expect when the time comes, and will be less on edge. You can help add to this by letting them count their toys and stuffed animals’ teeth with a toothbrush like you did for them.

Since many grown adults are still scared of the dentist, it’s likely your child isn’t going to react well to the prospect either. But your child listens to you, and internalizes what you tell and show them, so use this to your advantage. So, when your child becomes scared or nervous of their upcoming dentist appointment, meet them on their level and show them that there’s nothing to fear. To know more information visit

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