How to Get the Most Value from Your Initial Cosmetic Dentist Appointment

by | Feb 2, 2017 | Dentist


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A lot of patients do not realize that the first cosmetic dentistry appointment sets the tone for the following treatment. It is therefore important to ensure that the first consultation with the cosmetic dentist Maspeth NY is as fruitful as possible, and covers all the important areas. The only way to guarantee this is to walk into the consultation well prepared. There are a few things you can do to get the best value from the initial consultation.

Define your goals

Before booking an appointment, have a clear idea of what you hope to achieve from the procedure. It is easy to point out what you don’t like about your smile, but it is equally important that you have a vision of what the ideal result would be. Communicating your goals to a Jackson Heights Dental professional helps the dentist figure out the best course of treatment, and help to set realistic expectations.

Some areas to think about include whether you want a subtle smile or one that draws attention. Also consider whether you want to fix one or two things or a complete overhaul of your smile. The cosmetic dentist Maspeth NY may also ask questions to get a better sense of your expectations.

Consider your limitations

The perfect smile requires the dentist and the patient to work in collaboration. Take stock of your limitations including in time and money. These are relatively easy to work around. A dentist open Sundays for example can work for people with busy schedules. You can also get around a tight budget by discussing financing, payment plans or phased treatment. The idea is to ensure that you have the essential resources to see your treatment through, and achieve your dream results.

Compile information

Bring any information and documents you think is relevant to the consultation. These may include previous x-rays, proposed dental work from your family dentist and past quotes. This helps to save time as well as give the dentist a clear idea of the best course of treatment. It is equally helpful that you have a good idea of your general medical and oral history. Remember that certain medications and conditions can affect a proposed dental procedure. In any case, the dentist should do a full evaluation before treatment can begin, but it is still helpful that you are able to answer the dentists’ questions accurately.

Keep an open mind

The first part of the consultation with your CEREC dentist will involve him listening to your goals and assessment. At the end of the day, the dentist is the professional, and ultimately makes independent recommendations and judgments. Try hard to listen to the dentists recommendations even when they defer from your assessment. The dentist has decades of experience and training, and is ultimately best placed to recommend the best course of treatment.

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