Options In Braces From Your Bellevue Orthodontist

by | Feb 4, 2014 | Dentistry


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Luckily, today’s dental patients have a lot of options to choose from when they are looking to improve their smile. Most people will tell you that their first impression is made by looks alone and a great smile is the way to have the utmost confidence in your first impression. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed from birth with pearly whites and even if genetics has blessed you with whites the chances are they may need a little straightening or aligning. Check with your Bellevue Orthodontist to consider the newest procedures on the market to improve your smile.

Luckily, there are at least four types of the braces that an Orthodontist of Bellevue can recommend these days. In addition to the traditional metal braces that have lived up to their painful and unsightly reputation, there are also ceramic, lingual and Invisalign braces to choose from. Each type of correcting device for the mouth has its pros and cons but overall the means to an ends still produces wonderful results after the prescribed time table of wearing them.

Don’t misunderstand the fact that the metal braces options are still the most affordable in the options of correcting the teeth. They are also the most visible but for children they may have the added bonus of being able to switch the band color. The additional advantage of these types of braces today is that some can be built in with a heat sensor of sorts which help move the teeth faster than before.

Ceramic braces have also been around for awhile and they offer a more natural look to the mouth when in use. While they are suppose to be invisible you will still be able to see the wires and bands and they are prone to staining depending on the type of foods consumed.

Lastly, you have lingual braces which are the same as the traditional metal brands except they are placed on the inside of the teeth as opposed to the outside. These are more expensive than the traditional mounts but once again, you have the option of being less visible. These are also not necessarily available for the more severe mouth problems.

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