What Should You Know About Night Guards in Camas, WA?

by | Oct 25, 2018 | Dental Care


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The human body is not always well-understood in many situations. For example, while tooth grinding is a common phenomenon, why it happens is not entirely understood. Many professionals believe that it is related to stress and anxiety. With that being said, grinding your teeth every now and then in itself is not particularly harmful. However, when it comes to grinding your teeth in your sleep, you can be left with a chronic ache and eventually might lead to the fracturing, loosening, or even the loss of your teeth after decades of grinding your teeth. Nobody particularly wants this to happen. Thankfully, there are ways that you can prevent the harmful effects of tooth grinding, such as using night guards.

What Is a Night Guard?

As the name might suggest, night guards in Camas, WA are designed to guard your teeth from the damage that nightly tooth grinding can cause. While you can get night guards in stores, they are often poorly constructed and don’t fit as they should. Chances are that if you are searching for a way to protect your teeth in the long run, you want something that was custom made for your mouth and designed to last for several years. There are numerous dental clinics that will be willing to help you out with this. They can help you understand what grinding your teeth does, why it’s harmful, and what you can do to prevent it. They will also be more than willing to fit you for custom night guards that you can use throughout the night.

Why Should You Get a Night Guard?

When you grind your teeth for several hours a night, every night, the damage can easily build up over time. From loosening your teeth, to even fracturing them, the number of possible outcomes from nightly tooth grinding can be severe. This is all the more reason that you should search for night guards made by a reputable dental office, such as Lewis Family Dentistry, if you want to prevent damaging your teeth from tooth grinding. With these guards, your teeth will be protected, and you can sleep comfortably once again. You can also connect them on Facebook.

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