What to Expect When Seeing a Restorative Dentist

by | Oct 6, 2015 | Dental Care


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While many people live to a ripe old age and never have any issues with their teeth, others are not so lucky. Injuries, diseases, and other events can cause damage that requires some sort of repair. This is where the help of a Restorative Dentist comes into play. Here are some of the things that a patient can expect to happen when seeking any type of restorative dental procedure.

Assessing the Damage

The first thing that the Restorative Dentist will do is assess the condition of the teeth and the extent of the damage. This is essential in terms of determining exactly what must be done in order to restore the damaged tooth. For example, if the patient chipped a tooth while eating, the dental professional will want to examine the surface and see if there is any type of crack running down from the chip. If so, this will likely mean more work than the application of a crown will be necessary.

Going Over the Options with the Patient

Depending on the nature of the damage, there may be more than one strategy for restoring the look and the function of the teeth. For example, a tooth or even a couple of teeth may be too far gone to save. In this instance, the dentist will talk with the patient about the merits of implants or possibly partial dental plates. By providing information about each of these options, the patient has the chance to make an informed decision of what to do next.

Before and After the Procedure

One a solution is selected; the patient will be advised of what must be done in the way of preparation. With some procedures, the type of sedation needed will make it unwise for the patient to drive for several hours. That will mean making arrangements for a friend to do the driving or for taking a cab to get home. On the back end, the dentist will provide the patient with a list of what to do as the healing progresses. All these instructions help the patient to know what to expect and how to deal with any situation that should arise.

For help with any type of dental issue, call the team at Business Name today. It will not take long to find the right solution and make sure the teeth are sound and attractive once more.

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