What You Should Know About Invisalign as a Solution to Improve Your Smile

by | Jun 19, 2019 | Dentist


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When you meet someone new, one of the first things you notice is his or her smile. In addition to having a beautiful smile to give you confidence in social situations, it’s important to have healthy teeth and gums so you can preserve your dental health well into adulthood. If you have any oral pain or discomfort, let your dentist know about this so you can receive the right medications or procedures to eliminate pain and keep your teeth and gums from becoming infected. Invisalign in West Loop can be a part of the solution.

Straightening Your Teeth

If you want to straighten your teeth, there are several orthodontic options to choose from as well. After a dentist has cleaned and evaluated your teeth and provided the right treatment for your gums, the dentist will determine if Invisalign is the right choice for you. With Invisalign, images of your teeth are scanned on a computer, and the dentist will use these images to create trays made of industrial plastic that will straighten your teeth over time. Every two weeks or so, you’ll switch to a tray that fits a little tighter on your teeth to gently push the teeth into place. The entire process can take a few months, and once you’ve worn all the trays, your teeth should be significantly straightened, and your overall smile should improve.

Additional Treatments

During or after your Invisalign treatment, the dentist will further evaluate your smile and all the parts of your mouth to ensure your teeth are healthy. You may also be treated for cavities and plaque removal during your treatment to prevent tooth decay while you’re straightening your teeth. If you want to receive teeth whitening services, you can whiten your teeth in the dentist’s office of request a whitening kit you can use at home.

For additional details about Invisalign in West Loop to help you perfect your smile and to receive Invisalign services, visit Pure Dental Spa.

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