FAQs About Dental Implants In Apple Valley, MN

by | Feb 24, 2017 | Dental Implants


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In Minnesota, dental patients have access to restorative services. These restorative services give them the option to replace any missing teeth. These services include the acquisition of dental implants. The following are FAQs about Dental Implants in Apple Valley MN.

Are Patients Restricted to One Implant Per Visit?

No, they can acquire multiple implants at the same time. The dentist will review the patient’s case and determine if they should receive all dental implants they need in one visit. These installations require them to wait until after a designated healing time to install the implant crowns after the roots have been installed. The dentist will provide them with a temporary bridge to protect their gums and the root installation.

Does the Healing Process Take a Long Duration?

Typically, the waiting period between the root installation and the installation of the implant crown is up to six weeks. The dentist will determine the most appropriate healing time based on factors associated with each patient. For example, patients with diabetes and heart disease may have to wait longer than others.

Can Patients Replace All Their Teeth with Implants?

Yes, the dentist can install individual dental implants, or they can install sections. These devices achieve the same ultimate goal. However, the sections are created in a manner that is similar to installing a bridge. The implants are connected in sections. However, they are connected to the jawbone with titanium roots.

How Long Will the Dental Implants Last?

The patient’s dental implants can last throughout their entire lives with proper care. The dentist will provide after-care instructions for the dental implants. This steps may define what toothpaste or dental products must be used after these installations. They will also provide advice about food or beverages that could damage the implants.

In Minnesota, dental patients have access to dental implants to replace their missing teeth. These devices are installed permanently and won’t fall out of the patient’s mouth like dentures or temporary bridges. Patients who want to schedule an appointment for Dental Implants in Apple Valley MN contact Dakota Dental & Implant Center or Click here for additional information today.

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