Protect Your Teeth With Gum Disease Care In Indianapolis IN
Gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss. Gum disease can be inflammation in the gums that progresses to a sticky plaque on the teeth that is caused by mucus and other particles. Brushing, flossing, and routine dental cleaning can remove plaque from the teeth. If the plaque isn't removed, the...
What Can Patients Expect From an Oral Hygiene Instructor?
Although a person may brush and floss their teeth as often as recommended, improper brushing style coupled with improper tools can lead to poor oral hygiene. This is why many dentists are now employing a professional Oral Hygiene Instructor. These instructors are trained to work with patients and...
Tips For Growing Accustomed to Wearing Dentures
When a person first begins wearing Dentures, it is not always easy for them to grow accustomed to them. A new pair of false teeth can feel foreign in the mouth and can sometimes cause some pain and irritation in the gums. It is important for people to realize they will become accustomed to wearing...
Straighten Out Those Crooked Teeth: Invisalign in DC
Growing up having a crooked smile can be painful. People sometimes notice it, while others might never mention it. And it’s a real blow to morale to have to worry about how your smile looks in pictures when everyone else has perfect teeth. Now, as an adult you might think it’s too late to get...
How To Deal With Stress And Tension When You Are In The Dentist’s Chair
There are many people that are frightened of dental care, even if it is no more than a simple cleaning and checkup, these people tense up out of fear. For these people there is a solution; sedation dentistry in Naperville. A sedative can be introduced by your dentist; it can be used to calm...