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Dental Root Planing in Alpharetta GA

Root Planing in Alpharetta is available for overall dental health and oral hygiene. Scaling and Root Planning is usually known as deep cleaning and can help prevent gum disease, tooth loss and even bone loss. It is an important part of care that is needed when plaque and tartar have been left on...

Get a Beautiful Smile with a Cosmetic Dentist in St George UT

A great first impression can set the tone for a new relationship of any type. Looking your best is a good way to make a positive impression on new people. Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you when you meet them. Having a beautiful smile can make you feel more confident in...

The advantages of “teeth in a day” dentistry

An individual’s teeth are one of the first things that are noticed and when the teeth are decayed or otherwise in very poor condition it ruins a person’s smile. If the teeth are structurally sound there are ways to repair and resurface natural teeth and bring them back to their pristine condition....

Various Types of Dental Bridges

If you have recently visited a dentist office in Roseville and they told you that you need a dental bridge, you may have some questions about exactly what a dental bridge is. A dental bridge helps to ‘bridge’ any space you may have in your mouth because of missing teeth. Making crowns to be placed...