Services Offered by a Pediatric Dentist in Arlington TX

by | Sep 24, 2019 | Dental Care


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Visiting a pediatric dentist in Arlington TX means child-centric, colorful, and fun offices. Many experts agree that phobias of the dentist are rooted in a person’s childhood, which means ensuring a child feels safe, comfortable, and that they trust their dentist from the very beginning is a must. However, just because a pediatric dentist’s office is fun, quality treatments are also provided.

Choosing a dentist that specializes in a child’s oral health needs doesn’t mean that subpar care is given. Keep reading to find out some of the services offered by a pediatric dentist here.


Tooth decay is one of the most common ailments that afflicts children today. Fortunately, it is something that is almost completely preventable. In addition to providing guidance and advice for home care, a pediatric dentist in Arlington TX can apply fluoride treatments and sealants to protect the tooth enamel and minimize the likelihood that cavities will occur.

Early Detection

Computer modeling, x-rays, and examinations let a pediatric dentist determine if a child is going to have oral issues in the future. Some of the issues they can detect include jaw irregularities, bruxism and malocclusion.


A pediatric dentist is going to provide a wide array of treatments. In addition to preventative treatments, the pediatric dentist can also treat oral trauma and pulp therapy. If a child loses their primary teeth too soon, a dentist can use space maintainers to ensure the teeth don’t become misaligned.


Education is a crucial part of any pediatric dental practice. Not only can the pediatric dentist help a child understand how important daily oral care is, but parents also receive advice on diet, toothpaste selection, thumb-sucking, and other issues that may arise as they are growing up.

Don’t underestimate the benefits offered by using the services of a pediatric dentist for children. They can treat child-specific oral issues and ensure a child grows up with good oral health and that they know how to care for their teeth. More information about pediatric dentistry services can be found by taking the time to browse our website and learn more.

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