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Fix a Chipped Tooth

When you chip a tooth during a basketball game, you need to visit a dentist in Lincoln Square, Il, right away. A chipped tooth is more susceptible to decay because food particles and bacteria can enter the pulp of the tooth. In addition, a deep chip can expose the nerves in the pulp of the tooth,...

Finding the Perfect for Restoration Dentistry in Salisbury NC

Restoration dentistry in Salisbury NC is a procedure in which a dentist restores the function and integrity of a missing tooth. There are two types of restorations, direct and indirect. Following is an explanation of each type of restoration used. Restoration Types Direct restorations are repairs...

We Make Customized Molds

If your teeth look yellow, then you have time to have teeth whitening in Palm Coast, Fla., before the holidays begin. Whitening toothpaste and mouth rinses won't lift the deep stains from your teeth, but a dentist can use stronger products to improve the appearance of your teeth. Rather than using...

Give Yourself the Gift of a Beautiful Smile for Christmas this Year

Our teeth were meant to last us a lifetime. While adult versions follow baby teeth, when the adult teeth become damaged, there is not a third round of teeth waiting in the gums. There are many reasons for not having the smile that you've always desired. Teeth that were crooked and never aligned...

Improve Your Appearance with Teeth Whitening

Brushing and flossing are the everyday solutions to keeping teeth bright and healthy. However, over time your teeth can go from healthy white to not so white and bright. Teeth whitening is the obvious solution. There are common questions that patients often ask, which include: Why Did My Teeth...