The Top 5 Reasons That Children Often Suffer from Halitosis
Halitosis, which is also known as bad breath, is a common problem in children. It is a good idea to take your child to a pediatric dentist in Southwest Side Chicago if he or she has bad breath. Bad breath can be a sign of a serious dental problem. There are several things that can cause bad breath...
Top Three Reasons Why You Should See A Dentist on A Regular Basis
One of the most neglected self-care practices is oral care. Most people often go for months or years without seeing a dentist. People think that as long as they are not having a toothache, then there is nothing wrong with their teeth or mouth. This is incorrect. If you haven’t seen a dentist in a...
Talk to a Dentist in Rapid City, SD About Tooth Discoloration
Having dingy or dull-looking teeth can make people feel self-conscious. Discoloration can result over time because of drinking stain-producing beverages such as coffee or wine or eating foods that dull the whiteness of the enamel. When this happens, you need to review dental whitening options....
Root Canal Versus Extraction – Why Save Your Tooth With a Root Canal?
When a tooth is infected or damaged, your first solution is to have it removed. You may ask your dentist to extract it. He will check it and tell you to save it. This is what a root canal is all about. Having root canals in Lakeview is a way to keep your teeth complete instead of having a gap...
Getting A Better Understanding Of Orthodontic Procedures in Vancouver WA
A general dentist will usually refer their patient to an orthodontist if any Orthodontic Procedures in Vancouver WA are required. While all orthodontists are dentists, not all dentists are licensed orthodontists. It's a specialty that some dentists choose to dedicate their skills to. What Do...